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blood sugar chart

A Comprehensive Chart for Adult Blood Sugar Levels with Diabetes

Reverse Your Diabetes and Chronic Diseases! Get Started on Your Reversal Journey Now! Book a Free Consultation

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An overweight friend of mine was once advised by a consultant to monitor his weight constantly. He followed the instructions, but over time, this became an exhausting exercise that resulted in mental fatigue and stress. This, in turn, became counterproductive to his objective of weight reduction, and he actually ended up gaining more weight!

In case you’re wondering about the context of this anecdote, the point is that the situation is much the same for diabetics. When a diabetic is given a chart and told to constantly measure their blood sugar level, only they know the pressure it puts on them. As a diabetic, you’re aware that your blood sugar level is high, but micro-measuring it causes stress, which becomes counterproductive to effective treatment and management.

As healthcare providers, we at Wellfinity understand this small but significant problem. We don’t want our members to be under stress. Too much importance is given to your blood sugar levels and where it stands in comparison with a normal blood sugar level chart for adults. A blood sugar level chart is merely a report card that tells us whether you are diabetic or not.

We have protocols in place to lower your blood sugar levels if they are high. We don’t advocate monitoring it on a daily or hourly basis. However, we do have a defined set protocol for monitoring blood sugar. If your healthcare provider is making you monitor your blood sugar levels on a daily or hourly basis instead of following such a protocol, then they probably don’t fully understand diabetes.

Diabetes: The Conventional vs. Functional View

The conventional perception of diabetes is that it is a problem of ‘high blood sugar levels.’ Since conventional medicine holds this view, it prescribes medication to keep the symptom (high blood sugar level) in check. It does not identify or treat the root cause. Eventually, it only ‘manages’ the disease and does not target a cure.

On the other hand, integrative & functional medicine acknowledges that high blood sugar is merely a symptom of diabetes, not the disease itself. It therefore seeks to identify and treat the underlying root causes of the disease for effective and sustainable reversal.

Types of Diabetes, Their Differences, and Causes

Scientific research in recent decades has established that one of the primary root causes of Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. In short, this means that the body produces enough insulin, but the cells are unable to absorb it. Therefore, Type 2 diabetes is not a problem of insulin insufficiency, but of insulin inefficiency.

In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin due to the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells. Thus, while exogenous insulin is a lifesaving drug for Type 1 diabetes, it is of no use in Type 2 and could, in fact, make matters worse.

The third type of diabetes is Type 1.5, also called Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA). It shares features of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and typically occurs in people who are above 30 years of age and are not obese.

Initially, the patient does not require insulin and therefore appears clinically to be affected by Type 2 diabetes. However, the patient has islet antibodies and relatively low C-peptide secretion, along with a higher rate of progression into insulin dependency, much like Type 1 patients.

The following chart lays out the salient differences between the three major types of diabetes:

Type 1 Type 1.5 Type 2
Typical age of onset Young age

Can occur in the adults also

Adult Any age
Progression to insulin dependence Rapid Latent Slow (only in late or advanced stage)
Presence of autoantibodies Yes Yes No
Insulin Dependence At diagnosis Within 6 years of diagnosis (unless the autoimmune process is halted) Over time
Insulin Resistance No Yes Yes

Blood sugar level and the importance of managing it

We need energy to perform our day-to-day activities, and this energy comes from the food we eat. Through the process of digestion, food is converted into glucose, which is then transported to various parts of our body via the bloodstream. Cells in different parts of the body absorb this glucose and convert it into energy. Therefore, our ‘blood glucose level’ is simply the amount of unabsorbed glucose present in our bloodstream.

When our blood glucose level remains high for a prolonged period, it can damage nerves, blood vessels, tissues, and organs. This can lead to serious health problems, including damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. Hence, it’s crucial to keep blood sugar levels in check.

However, at Wellfinity, we focus on your biomarkers, which can give us an indication 5-6 years before you actually become diabetic, instead of merely measuring blood sugar levels. This is because once you are already diabetic, preventive measures become less effective.

The Golden Period: Diabetes Prevention in the Pre-Diabetes Stage

The stage before pre-diabetes is often referred to as ‘the golden period’ in diabetes management. This period lasts for about 10-15 years before pre-diabetes sets in and eventually leads to diabetes. If lifestyle changes are implemented during this stage, it’s possible to prevent metabolic syndrome altogether.

How to Know If You’re in the Pre-Pre-Diabetes Stage?

Research suggests that fasting insulin is the single most important predictor of the development of Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. This is because fasting insulin levels indicate the degree of insulin sensitivity we have. If fasting insulin is less than 6 mIU/L, it is considered normal. If it falls between 6 and 10 mIU/L, it is borderline. However, if it ranges from 10-15 mIU/L, it signifies moderate to severe insulin resistance. Thus, the higher the fasting insulin level, the greater your insulin resistance.

Fasting Insulin Level (mIU/L) Interpretation Implication
Less than 6 Normal Low risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders
6 to 10 Borderline Moderate risk; indicates some level of insulin resistance
10 to 15 Moderate to Severe Insulin Resistance High risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and metabolic disorders


If your fasting insulin is elevated but your blood sugar level is normal, you are likely in the pre-pre-diabetes stage. Therefore, healthcare providers should prioritize measuring fasting insulin over fasting glucose as the norm for assessing metabolic health.

Normal Blood Sugar Levels in Non-Diabetic Individuals, Diabetics, and Children

A chart for normal blood sugar levels in adults indicates that random blood glucose (RBS) levels for a healthy adult, whether male or female, should range from 80-120 mg%. Ideally, fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg%, and postprandial blood sugar (measured 2 hours after eating) should be less than 140 mg%, according to the normal blood sugar levels chart for adults.

If a person has fasting blood sugar levels in the range of 100-125 mg%, postprandial blood sugar levels in the range of 141-199 mg%, or an HbA1c level in the range of 5.7-6.4%, they are considered to be in the pre-diabetes stage.

Similarly, if a person has fasting blood sugar levels above 126 mg%, postprandial blood sugar levels above 200 mg%, or an HbA1c level greater than 6.5%, they are classified as diabetic.

The American Diabetes Association has established target blood sugar ranges for adults with diabetes. They recommend that fasting blood sugar for diabetics should be in the range of 80-130 mg%, postprandial blood sugar should be less than 180 mg%, and HbA1c should be less than 7%.

Blood Sugar Levels for Adults

Condition Fasting Blood Sugar (mg%) Postprandial Blood Sugar (mg%) HbA1c (%)
Healthy Adult < 100 < 140 N/A
Pre-diabetes 100-125 141-199 5.7-6.4
Diabetes > 126 > 200 > 6.5
ADA Target for Diabetics 80-130 < 180 < 7

When it comes to blood sugar levels in children, the general guidelines are as follows:

  • For children less than 6 years of age, the recommended blood glucose level is in the range of 80-100 mg/dL.
  • For children between 6 and 12 years of age, a healthy blood sugar level falls between 80-180 mg/dL.
  • For teenagers, the normal blood sugar level should be between 70-150 mg/dL.

Medical attention is required if a child’s blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/dL or rises above 180 mg/dL. It’s also important to encourage children to adopt healthier lifestyles to prevent future health issues. At Wellfinity, we’ve recently observed cases of Type 2 diabetes even in individuals as young as 20 years old!

Blood Sugar Levels for Children

Age Group Healthy Blood Sugar Range (mg/dL)
Less than 6 80-100
6-12 80-180
Teenagers 70-150

It’s important to note that reports and articles on this topic can often be confusing. For your benefit, understand that the ideal blood sugar range for young, middle-aged, and older adults is essentially the same: fasting glucose levels should be equal to or greater than 126 mg%, and postprandial glucose levels should be equal to or greater than 200 mg%.

Gender-Based Differences in Diabetics

Many people wonder if there’s a difference between normal blood sugar levels for diabetic females versus diabetic males. When subjected to the oral glucose test, women generally tend to have lower fasting plasma glucose levels and higher two-hour postprandial plasma glucose levels compared to men. Moreover, impaired fasting glucose is more prevalent in men, while impaired glucose tolerance is more common in women.

Additionally, Type 1 diabetes is the only common autoimmune disease that does not exhibit a female predominance. It shows an increased incidence in boys after puberty. Estrogen deficiency and/or testosterone excess predispose women to Type 2 diabetes, while testosterone deficiency predisposes men to Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Blood sugar levels before and after pregnancy are essentially the same as those in the general population. However, when it comes to ideal blood sugar levels during pregnancy, a ‘normal blood sugar level during pregnancy chart’ would indicate that the normal fasting blood sugar level should be 95 mg% or less. As for blood sugar levels during pregnancy after eating, they should be 140 mg% or less one hour after a meal, and remain at 140 mg% or less two hours after a meal.

Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy

Condition/Timeframe Fasting Blood Sugar (mg%) 1 Hour After Meal (mg%) 2 Hours After Meal (mg%)
Ideal Levels During Pregnancy ≤ 95 ≤ 140 ≤ 140

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is typically done between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy for screening. The normal fasting glucose should be less than 95 mg%. One hour after drinking glucose solution it should be less than 180 mg%. Two hours after drinking glucose solution it should be less than 155 mg% and 3 hours later, it should be less than 140 mg%. If at any of these stages the results are higher than normal, you will be diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) During Pregnancy

Time After Drinking Glucose Solution Blood Sugar Level (mg%)
Fasting < 95
1 Hour < 180
2 Hours < 155
3 Hours < 140

Managing Blood Sugar Levels

The good news for diabetics is that diabetes can often be reversed with the help of healthcare professionals like those at Wellfinity. Diabetes is primarily a lifestyle disease, so reversal is possible through changes in diet, holistic lifestyle, and physical activity.

Choosing the right foods and eating the correct quantities at appropriate times are crucial. This is because the underlying pathology of diabetes is insulin resistance, often caused by fat deposits in the liver, muscles, and pancreas due to the consumption of ultra-processed and high-insulin foods. A low-insulin diet can combat lipotoxicity, improve insulin sensitivity, and potentially reverse diabetes within months. Our experts at Wellfinity can provide further guidance on controlling blood sugar levels through diet.

Exercise is also essential for controlling blood sugar levels. Yoga, meditation, movement, sun exposure, proximity to nature, and grounding are integral parts of the treatment modalities in Wellfinity protocols.

Blood Sugar Monitoring

Conventional medicine aims to control blood sugar levels with medications, often ignoring the disease’s underlying pathophysiology. This approach usually requires continuous blood sugar monitoring and can lead to complications over time, even with strict glycemic control.

At Wellfinity, we focus on treating the root causes of the disease, such as insulin resistance and mitochondrial impairment. Our approach typically requires you to monitor your blood sugar levels once a week or bi-weekly until the disease is completely reversed.

Since diabetics are prone to complications over time, the best solution is to reverse the disease as quickly as possible using holistic protocols. After reversing diabetes, you’ll still need to check your blood sugar levels once a month for a year, and then once every three months.

Tips to Avoid Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can be more dangerous than hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include confusion, fatigue, seizures, and even coma. If you’re on medication or insulin, it’s better to err on the side of higher sugar levels than risk hypoglycemia. To avoid hypoglycemia, consume high-fiber foods that are low in sugar and avoid ultra-processed foods. Consult your physician to adjust your medication if you experience symptoms of hypoglycemia.

To avoid hyperglycemia, food sequencing can help. Eat fibers first, followed by proteins, fats, starches, and finally carbs. Adding 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to your food can also help, as it delays food absorption in the gut. A short walk after meals can also help regulate blood sugar levels.

While conventional medicine focuses on symptom management, functional medicine aims to identify and treat the root causes of diabetes, allowing you to live a medication-free life. Functional medicine doesn’t emphasize constant blood sugar monitoring but focuses on lifestyle changes and regular exercise.

Every diabetic is different and requires a personalized management plan. At Wellfinity, we use cutting-edge technology to understand your individual condition. We consider your disease history and personal preferences when suggesting a workable solution. This comprehensive approach has yielded excellent results, and none of our patients have had to return once their diabetes has been reversed!


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