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Questions about our programs which helps you to select best plan.
What is Psoriasis and Psoriasis treatment?
Psoriasis is typically perceived as a skin condition, but in actuality, it is a dermatological (skin) autoimmune condition that affects the skin. People with psoriasis develop patches of red skin in varying shades on different areas of their body, such as the knees, elbows, back, chest, palms, feet, and face. The affected skin can be extremely itchy and painful, with scaling that resembles peeling off of skin flakes. Psoriasis most commonly develops in adulthood, but it is possible for children to this condition as well. Conventional treatments for psoriasis mainly focus on managing symptoms and reducing flare-ups through medications and ointments that can further impair the immune system. Prolonged use of immune-suppressing medications may lead to additional body imbalances and an increased risk for developing infections. Natural and holistic treatments that address inflammation and dysfunction in the body can be effective in treating psoriasis for a sustained period. There are underlying causes and distinctive pathophysiology, which refers to changes in the normal function of the body that give rise to signs and symptoms, that needs to be understood before looking at any psoriasis treatment. It is very important to comprehend these aspects in relation to psoriasis and any skin disorder and to identify the specific triggers and contributing factors that lead to your symptoms. A treatment that focuses on this aspect is of utmost importance so as to ensure the symptoms never show up again. Get in touch with us to get you started on your psoriasis treatment and reversal journey!
What are the root causes of skin conditions?
At, we look at all skin conditions as an external symptom of underlying imbalances and inflammation. We always explore the possible root causes giving rise to skin conditions.Some common root causes to chronic skin conditions include:
- Chronic infections, e.g. fungal, bacterial, virus, parasite and yeast, in the skin microbiome or the gut microbiome Increased inflammation
- Gastrointestinal issues and pathogens
- Dehydration
- Allergies or sensitivities to environmental factors, food or drinks
- High toxic exposure and load
- Hormone imbalances
- A weakened immune system
- Histamine sensitivity
- Conditions affecting other body systems such as the immune system or kidneys
- Nutrient deficiencies such as zinc, essential fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D
- Lifestyle factors such as high stress, low sunlight exposure, not enough grounding and earthing, etc.
- Regular use of antibiotics and steroids
What are chronic skin conditions?
Many of us have at some point in our lives, encountered a skin rash or skin issue of some sort that typically goes away after a while. However, chronic skin conditions can manifest in varying degrees of severity and can persist for extended periods of time. The issue not only affects the body but also has potential mental, emotional, and social impacts. These conditions not only affect the physical appearance of the skin, but can also cause discomfort, itching, and pain. In addition, the emotional toll of living with chronic skin conditions can result in low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Social consequences may include social isolation and negative effects on personal relationships, which can have a significant impact on one's quality of life. Examples of chronic skin conditions include:
- Acne
- Skin infections
- Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Hives (Urticaria)
How does the Oral glucose Tolerance test differ?
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) involves challenges of glucose of about 50-75g to be taken with water. It involves the administration of a standard oral glucose load followed by serial blood glucose testing. The basic difference between OGTT and normal testing is OGTT involves glucose in liquid form which could be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and increase the sugar levels quickly that the insulin production is challenged. Normal meal of carbs (starch) is in solid state and it takes longer time for digestion and assimilation. The OGTT can be used to screen for impaired glucose tolerance (prediabetes) and diabetes mellitus. However , given the comparative ease of administration of the other two tests that can be used to diagnose diabetes/pre-diabetes (fasting glucose and Hemoglobin A1c) , the OGTT is typically reserved for specific clinical scenarios as screening for Gestational diabetes between 24-28th week of pregnancy.
What time of the day should you test?
Conventionally, we measure only the morning blood sugar levels. It is equally important to check the post lunch glucose levels as it is the largest meal of the day to know the ability to handle carb rich meals. Sometimes the fasting blood sugar is elevated due to the dawn phenomenon as it is a normal one ( due to a rise in counter-regulatory hormones) up to 120 mg% ; in these cases make sure that the pre-meal ( lunch and dinner ) & are fine and well within the basal range. In this scenario , there is no need to treat the mildly elevated fasting glucose levels. Calming down your nervous system and grounding in parasympathetic dominant mode often helps.
How do you conduct your blood sugar test at home?
The most widely known method of checking blood sugar is using the finger-prick method with a glucometer. Once pricked , you can place the drop of blood on strip. The strip is then inserted into a meter that measures the amount of glucose attached to your blood cells. You can check your blood sugar level without the need for finger sticks or needles by using a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) or flash monitor. While glucometer gives you the capillary blood glucose, CGM reflects the interstitial glucose levels. The standard one is always measuring the venous blood glucose as done in blood tests(withdrawal by venipuncture). CGM (Interstitial glucose) lags behind the blood glucose by 30 min. While there is nothing much of a difference between Standard venous sampling and Glucometer (capillary) levels in measuring Fasting glucose since the body runs on fats during fasting , there is a difference of up to 20-25 % between these two in the postprandial period since the body runs on glucose after eating with high numbers in the glucometer.
Do’s & Don’ts before the blood tests
Drinking adequate water will not only make you feel better if you are fasting, it will also make for a smoother blood draw. Sleep: make sure you get enough sleep the night before the blood test. Calm down and relax for 10-15 min prior to blood withdrawal. Avoid caffeine & Chewing gum. Avoid specific foods and drinks such as herbal tea, alcohol. Make sure not to overeat the day before a test. No smoking. Avoid strenuous physical activity like exercise. If an individual is on medication, ask the doctor if you can take those medications & follow their instructions.
How to adjust your other medications for a blood sugar test?
The following medications can be skipped since they could raise your glucose Steroids like hydrocortisone, prednisolone. But steroid creams (for a rash) or inhalers ( for asthma ) aren’t a problem. - Drugs that treat anxiety, depression and mental health issues such as clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine. - Anti-hypertensive like beta-blockers & diuretics - Statins to lower cholesterol - High doses of asthma medicines - Isotretinoin for acne - Cough syrups & decongestants
Should I take my diabetic medication before a blood test?
Overnight fasting for 8-12 hours is required before the Fasting blood sugar. What is normally done is drugs or insulin are not skipped the previous night to know the fasting blood glucose. Insulin or anti diabetic medication should never be consumed prior to having a fasting blood test. Ideally speaking, for fasting blood sugars, the previous dose can be skipped so that the ability of the liver to handle blood sugars is assessed more efficiently. For type 1 Diabetics, only take your morning basal insulin before the blood test. For measurement of postprandial blood sugar (PPBS), make sure you take your regular anti-diabetic medication at the usual time on the day of the PPBS test for correct readings.
When should we measure blood sugar?
For normal individuals, at least once in a year as a part of annual health checkups. Immediately if there are following signs such as- Fatigue and tiredness Frequent infections (Urinary tract infections & balanoposthitis) Increased hunger, thirst and urination Frequent nocturia Dental issues Blurred Vision Numbness of hands or feet Non-healing or slow healing wounds Since, type 2 diabetes has been rampant in the last 10-20 years even in pediatric and young adults; it is wise to measure blood glucose once in a year even in this population. For diabetics, frequent monitoring (weekly) until the blood sugars are under control and once in every 2 weeks or monthly thereafter.
What is impaired glucose tolerance?
Impaired Glucose Tolerance ( IGT ) is typically diagnosed when the fasting level ( Impaired Fasting Glucose ) is more then 100 mg % or the postprandial level following oral glucose tolerance test is more than 140 mg %.In another few years, the person having impaired Glucose tolerance can become frankly diabetic if not treated properly.
What is the normal sugar level before food?
The normal basal blood glucose level is 70-100 mg %; after eating it can rise up to 150-160 mg% in the immediate postprandial period, but it return to less than 120-140 mg % in 2 hours’ time and finally returns to the basal state of less than 100 mg% at rest.
What happens when sugar level goes down?
Normally, the blood glucose levels are kept within physiological limits by the action of insulin and glucagon, working in tandem. In type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, this balance is disturbed. Low sugar in the blood is always due to improper dosing (increased dose) of drugs and insulin for which dose of drugs and insulin should be reduced or else it can even lead to seizures, coma and death. In an acute setting, hypoglycemia is always far more dangerous than hyperglycemia hence it is wise to err on the high sugar levels when using drugs.
At what sugar level is insulin required?
Insulin is not needed in most of the cases of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, if addressed properly to reduce the insulin resistance. There are some indications though like stressful situations like acute illness and surgeries, DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) when the sugars are too high and insulin is low. Before starting a patient on insulin therapy, measuring Beta cell reserve using C-peptide level is a must irrespective of age. When functional insulin reserve is low (less than 10%), Insulin could be started. So the true indication of Insulin therapy in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus should not be guided by the sugar level but rather the Insulin reserve in the body.
What is a dangerous level of HbA1c?
HbA1c less than 5.6 is normal: values between 5.7-6.4 are Pre-diabetes and more than 6.4 is diabetes. Simply looking at the sugar levels (including HbA1c) and often controlling them with drugs and insulin is not the way to go since several trials repeatedly emphasized that tight control of blood sugars with intensive drug therapy increased cardiovascular complications and mortality. Increased Blood sugar is just a sign of diabetes and not a disease by itself. It is due to Insulin resistance, which needs to be addressed primarily which in turn reduces blood sugar level.
What happens if sugar level is high?
High sugar level over a period of time cause glucotoxicity. It causes glycation of proteins and minerals affecting their function. Advanced glycosylated End (AGE) products cause accelerated aging. It often exacerbates microvascular complications like neuropathy, retinopathy & nephropathy probably due to the Sorbitol pathway. Glucotoxicity can cause increased conversion of excess glucose into fructose by polyol pathway increasing DNL (De novo Lipogenesis) in the liver, worsening Fatty liver and further increasing insulin resistance. It can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
My sugar level is 300 what should i do?
High Sugar levels do not necessarily mean the severity of the disease. The very first thing that needs to be done is Reassurance. Almost 80-90 % of the time, type 2 DM is reversible within 3 months with our protocol. First priority is making the right choices of lifestyle habits. Switching over to minimally processed foods from ultra-processed foods & using saturated fats for cooking medium. Sugars are better avoided till the complete reversal of DM. Meal sequencing can be followed in which fibers & proteins could be taken before going for carbs. This helps in reducing the glycemic load and index as well as increases satiety. Avoid snacking in between meals. Start doing regular physical activities. Adequate rest and better management of stress often helps. Most importantly, frequent monitoring of blood sugars at least weekly till control is achieved.
Understanding Diabetes Remission and Diabetes Reversal
Diabetes remission and diabetes reversal are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but scientifically they have different meanings. Diabetes remission refers to a state in which a person with diabetes is able to achieve normal blood sugar levels and the absence of diabetes symptoms without the use of medication. Remission is mostly a temporary state, and it requires ongoing effort to maintain healthy blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes such as healthy eating, regular physical activity, weight management, and other dimensions listed in Wellfinity's 12 dimensions framework. On the other hand, diabetes reversal refers to a state in which a person with diabetes is able to achieve normal blood sugar levels and the absence of diabetes symptoms, and this state is sustained even if the person returns to their previous unhealthy lifestyle habits. Diabetes reversal is a permanent state, and it's achieved through lifestyle changes and very much possible. It's important to note that while diabetes reversal is possible for most individuals, it's not a guaranteed outcome for everyone.
What all do you treat and is reversal truly reversed?
We are on a mission to truly change the way chronic diseases are managed reversed, so that you can move from disease care to overall health and wellness and live a much better lifestyle than the current rhetoric.
Our proprietary flagship program addresses all types of Diabetes (hyperlink) - Type 1, Type 2, Type 1.5 and more importantly pre-diabetes
Through our health optimisation program (hyperlink), we use our expertise to treat other chronic diseases such as the below.
Autoimmune Diseases
Brain related - Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s
Detoxification and Healing
Digestive Disorders - IBD, IBS, Crohn’s, GERD/Reflux
Elevated Cholesterol
Environmental and Food Allergies
Female Disorders (PMS, Menopause, Infertility, PCOS, Obesity)
Hormone Balance
Hypertension and High BP
Joint matters - Osteoporosis, Arthritis - Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis
Mercury and Heavy Metal Toxicity
Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance
Multiple Sclerosis
Skin Issues - Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
Thyroid and Adrenal Disorders
Reversal is very much possible as long as there is willingness to improve one’s lifestyle given the environment we are surrounded with. Our program entails a host of dimensions that we work upon with you during the course of the program. These eventually become part of your lifestyle, however, the body can develop imbalances because the new aspects of the lifestyle get ignored. Hence it’s a choice one has to make. Our team of experts have successfully reversed several people from diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, psoriasis, IBS, arthritis, brain degenerative cases and other chronic diseases, both in India and abroad.
How long will the reversal take?
How long reversal takes depends on the severity of the disease as well as how closely the recommendations and program protocols are sincerely followed. As with any lifestyle change, it takes time for one to get used to new habits and routines—typically around three weeks (21 days). This time period may also be sufficient to experience the benefits. In order to prevent diabetes and other chronic diseases from recurring, it is not only necessary to continue with the new diet and lifestyle for life, but to also keep adding new dimensions to it.
People who have undertaken our programs have reported significant reduction in symptoms in the first few weeks itself, just by adhering to our protocols. Complete disease reversal was usually experienced with 3-6-9 months, depending upon the individual case and commitment to our protocols.
How does the treatment work?
Our proprietary programs are based on years of research, cutting edge science and practical experiences put together by an inter-disciplinary team of experts. Our core philosophy is based on the below premise: At we adopt a patient centric approach rather than a symptom or disease centric approach that adheres to generalised guidelines and protocols. We stick to what is best for you and design the treatment protocols so that it is personalised and contextualised. We focus on the individual and optimise wellness by diagnosing the root causes of a disease(s), thereby personalising the treatments. Our reversal methodology explained in simple terms
- Rather than ask what drug do we use to treat the symptom, we ask the basic question 'what is causing the symptom or inflammation or imbalance in the first place.'
- And then we ask what does the body and its system need to regain and restore its balance.
- Thereby applying our reversal principles, 1. removing the causes of imbalance and inflammation (the bad stuff, the stuffs troubling you) 2. And add a few ingredients to support proper system functioning (add some of the good stuffs) 3. Continue with step 2 and optimise
- Assessment / measure (current health and imbalance)
- Evaluation / analyse (get to the root cause and connect the dots, both positives / negatives)
- Recommend through interventions / counselling (sustainable long term solutions)
- Follow up (care)
- Loop back to the cycle till it becomes first nature.
Who could benefit from treatment?
Our programmes benefit women and men in the age group of 15 to 70 years, diagnosed with diabetes or who are pre-diabetic ( or any other chronic diseases and who wish to truly reverse their diseases and put an end to the life-long medicines and related complications that occur because of these diseases.
At we have 3 broad programs that cater to different chronic diseases and overall wellness.
The 1st program is focused on Diabetics (hyperlink) (Type 2, 1.5 & 1 and also pre-diabetes cases too) where our treatment is designed to reverse diabetes in Type 2 diabetes & pre-diabetes cases and improve & better manage the diabetes for Type 1.5 & 1 diabetes and over a period look to cut down / stop on medications, as long as there is equal and more participation from the client.
The 2nd program is Health Optimisation (hyperlink), where we focus on clients with chronic disease(s) and are looking reverse these disease for life or better manage their lifestyle. Some of the focus areas of the team is suitable for those for those who have thyroid disorders, hyper-tension, cholesterol issues, GI Issues (Acid Reflux, Ulcers, Irritable bowel syndrome – IBS) Skin related issues (eczema, psoriasis, acme), Joint Pain (Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis), Brain degeneration diseases (Alzheimers, Parkinson's, Dementia, Multiple sclerosis), Hormonal / women’s health (PCOS, PMS, Infertility, Thyroid, Obesity & Fibrosis).
Our last program is designed for those who as such don’t have any illness but want to improve their current health & wellness quotient (hyperlink) to meet their goals and stay ahead of the game. Like a car which has to be serviced periodically and provided with high quality fuel for efficiency, for best performance and high output. Our body too needs to be cleansed on a regular basis to detoxify and remove the waste, and provided with right nutrition on a regular basis to maintain a healthy energetic body.
What all does the treatment / program involve?
- Dedicated health & wellness clinical coach - Hand-held guidance and support from a dedicated clinical coach who is just a message away
- Continuous guidance and supervision - Services of a wider team of clinical experts across varied disciplines and medicine
- Remote access - Expert care delivered from anywhere and at anytime
- Ultra-personalised programs - Individualized plan and 1-0-1 sessions that puts you on a sustained path of health and wellness
- Home based tests - Convenience of diagnostics from the comfort of your home
- Structured educational resources - Your continuous guide and tools for better understanding on the 12 dimensions (hyperlink) through live and recorded sessions, articles, videos, podcasts, etc
- Personalized Diet & Nutrition - Regular food guidance and recipes
- Live sessions - on alternate days on movement, relaxation and meditation
- Medicine reduction - Carefully guided over time and according to your individual progress
- Precision supplements - A guide which is needed in the initial periods of the program
- Starter pack - Welcome kit with basic do's and don't's to get you started
- Micro community - An engaged and empathetic community of participants
- Flexibility - A flexible schedule that allows you to undertake the program at your own pace
What can I expect from the programme?
You will experience our holistic approach towards achieving diabetes reversal in a peaceful and nurturing environment guided by our expert team of doctors, functional medicine experts, therapists, nutritionists, yoga teachers and mental wellness experts. You will learn and apply realistic, practical ways, simple habits and lifestyle changes. With adherence, you will walk out free from diabetes towards a life full of health and wellness.
We are more than disease reversal specialists. Since our focus is holistic and identifying the root causes of any imbalance, it goes beyond a particular disease. The fallout of which is that not only will you reverse the disease you came to us for, but you will also experience and visibly see Side effects Benefits (hyperlink).
What results can I expect, what happens if it is not met with in my case?
No Side-effects, only experience Side-Benefits with our approach.
At, we focus on the body as a whole rather than a single organ, cell or tissue. More importantly we look to restore the body’s balance for its optimum functioning.
Through this approach, we have seen many people who've completed the programme come away with other equally important changes. Along with diabetes or the chronic disease you came to us for you will experience other life-changing benefits. (hyperlink)
If our program and its protocols are adhered to in all sincerity, definitely there will be improvements both in the biomarkers and through the complaints via symptoms and signs that you came to us for. Its just a matter of time when the results start to appear and when they become sustainable. We will ensure that we support you continuously until these results are achieved.
If the program and reversal sounds so simple then why cant I do it on my own?
The key to a successful reversal is first and foremost identify the root causes that is causing imbalance in your body, thereby leading to your current condition. This requires not only an expert but someone who can connect the dots with regards to the biomarkers, symptoms and signs.
The next step is to design a personalised plan based on the root causes and one that works. Figuring out how to optimize your health is difficult - and you can't become an expert overnight! Having a medical team there to answer your questions, provide expert feedback on your data and progress, and make personalized recommendations will ensure that you achieve the maximum benefit.
The most important aspect of any reversal plan is that it should be sustainable for life. To make a genuine and long-lasting lifestyle change, it helps tremendously to have a medical provider, coach, and community of patients supporting you along each step of your journey.
More importantly, the program needs to ensure that if you are on any sort of medications due to your current condition, you cannot simply ignore these medications and hop onto your new plan. You need an expert to carefully guide you over time and according to your individual progress reduce your dependency on the medications.
Lastly lets admit it, that lifelong lifestyle changes are not easy to adopt. Hence it always help to have a group to support, cheer, guide, coach you along your journey, a group who has your best interests and wants to see you over the line successfully. We all need that support to make it a bit more easier for us.
Who is behind this all to help me in my journey and what are their credentials, are they Doctors?
Our team comprises of an interdisciplinary team of science & medicine experts who collectively have more than 4 decades of scientific research and delivery and have treated over 8.5k patients successfully. All our clinical coaches are qualified doctors who are further trained in functional and integrative medicine.
Wellfinity was founded by 3 individuals (Dr. Ashwani, Dr. Thangadurai and Anurag) who came together from their own personal experience with chroic diseases and hence with a common intention – they were tired of the rhetoric that chronic diseases are for life and wanted to simplify treatment and get rid of chronic illness for life.
Whom and How do I get in touch with during the program or treatment schedule?
Once you enrol into any of the programs, you will get access to a dedicated clinical coach who will be you one point of contact through the program.
The best way to access your coach would be through whatsapp (limited hours) or through email. Unfortunately, they will not be able to attend to calls, unless it’s a pre-scheduled appointment. Your coach will be in contact with you and your group every day from Monday to Friday and will be online between 9.30am and 6pm. Here, they'll aim to get back to you within 24 hours.
Please do note that we are still a small knit team. Coaches receive, on an average, 1-2 new groups each week. Therefore, the majority of their time is spent coaching groups through the programme. Hence, the same team is also working with other members like yourself to carry them through your journey. Be a little patient and we do ensure you will be well taken care of.
What is a dedicated health & wellness clinical coach and what is his / her role, are they doctors?
At, once you join any of our programs, you will be assigned a dedicated clinical coach who will be alongside you during the entire duration of your program. Your coach will be your one point of contact for not only delivering you your personalized reversal program, but will also assist you with any query, doubt or clarification. Your coach will coordinate internally with our different experts to help you get the best care during your program. All our clinical coaches are qualified doctors who are further trained in functional and integrative medicine and have expertise in diabetes and other chronic diseases reversal.
What happens if I am not regular with attending the sessions or the guidelines recommended by the team?
Lifestyle-related health is primarily dependent on self-management and self-empowerment. Hence, we require you to commit to the program as much as you can. Our job is to assist, guide and coach you. To provide you with the right tools, knowledge and awareness. But the most important work has to be done by you. You should also not expect overnight disease reversal. Chronic diseases cannot be reversed overnight. If that’s what you expect, we may not be the right partners for you. Yes, there will be days when you feel this isn't working for you. At times, you may not be able to cope with our protocols and schedule. All of this is normal. On such days, do reach out to the micro-community and you will be surprised to know you're not the only one feeling that way. Life takes its turns and twists, and you may not be able to follow this approach all the time. And this is completely ok, since all of us go through the same. However, what we do advise is that you get back to the new routine as soon as possible. In case you need any help, please feel free to reach out to us.
How do I enrol for the program?
-'s enrollment process is as below:
- 1. Select from any one of the programs listed
- 2. Register and pay online or
- 3. Get onto a discovery call with us and thereafter register and pay online. If you still have questions, please go through our FAQ session or drop us a note.
- 4. Get onboarded and start your journey.
- For a detailed journey please refer here
Is the program all digital or can I physically meet someone?
As for now, all our programs are delivered digitally via a combination of calls (both voice and video), individual and group sessions, recorded and live sessions. We have taken this route so that we can deliver our world class diabetes and chronic care to as many members as possible.
Why are you making me undergo these tests since I usually get my blood levels checked regularly?
- We need to understand and assess what is causing the imbalance(s), where it is located in the body and at what level of intensity it is. Only when we have a clear understanding of the true root cause(s) of the disease, will we be better equipped to reverse it for life. We study a host of biomarkers across metabolic performance, microbiome and gut environment, heavy metals exposure, nutrition profile, vitamin & mineral deficiency, inflammatory markers, identify infections, look for dehydration, etc. to connect the dots for your current health condition.
Will you individualise my daily plan and what all will it include?
Yes. We will personalise your plan across the 12 dimensions of our treatment methodology, right from food & nutrition, movement, natural elements to behavioural advice to medical care, to make success last. Our goal is to equip you with these tools which you can then carry on your own to lead your own individualised lifestyle and not have to worry about diabetes and chronic diseases ever.
Can vegetarian, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, nut-free, or patients with other dietary restrictions undertake your programs?
- Absolutely! The programs are diet-agnostic. We personalize the treatment to your individual dietary needs and cultural tastes. Do let your clinical coach know of any specific diet related restrictions or allergies you may want us to avoid.
Is exercise mandatory as part of your program?
- Exercise is not mandatory in our programs, however, we definitely want our members to embrace other natural forms of movement and or physical activity you desire. We don’t want you to be living a sedentary lifestyle. We as humans were designed for movement and travel.
How long is the program?
Everyone is different and some people will need more or less time to make their healthy lifestyle crossover. Keeping that in mind, we have designed a 3-6-9 month program based on different needs and commitment levels of our members. We recommend that you initially sign up for 3 or 6 months before committing to a longer duration plan. We also have a self-help DIY (do it yourself) program that is specifically designed and recommended for self-motivated and disciplined individuals and those who cannot keep pace with the group programs. We'll be here to provide support for as long as you need.
What happens after the program ends?
We know lasting lifestyle change takes time and that maintaining the changes you've made can often be the hardest part. Our idea of true success is when you are completely on your own and don’t have to ever come back to us. Your health and wellness in your own hands. The goal now is to maintain the changed lifestyle so as to avoid remission and always remember that the learning and the journey never stops. While you can stay onto the program as long as you feel you are well equipped to venture on your own. However, post the program you can continuously engage with the member community. Many members find it extra rewarding to share their knowledge with new members and also maintain a social relationship with old ones. Some even choose to become Wellfinity Ambassadors and Champions to educate others on diabetes and chronic disease reversal. And we will always be there for any help, support or guidance or better still, we get to learn some new aspects from your story. More importantly Live your life, free from diabetes and worry!
What makes your program different?
- The program is developed by qualified experts and based on the latest science and research. Our solutions are for life and hence you won't find any quick fixes or fad diets. Rather our focus is to equip you with the set of tools, knowledge and skills so that you can better understand and adopt a holistic health & wellness lifestyle.
- Most importantly of all is that at we adopt a customer centric approach rather than a symptom or disease centric approach that adheres to generalised guidelines and protocols. We stick to what is best for you and design the treatment protocols so that it is personalised and contextualised. We focus on the individual and optimize wellness by diagnosing the root causes of a disease(s), thereby personalising the treatments.
- Our science is inter-disciplinary and not limited to one science or medicine. This means that we pick and choose what is best for the client across the length and breadth of all science and medicine. Additionally, we proudly adopt solutions from our ancient wisdoms which are backed by science.
- All our recommendations are based on a thorough understanding of the root cause of the problems which is evidenced backed.
- We know that healthy living and wellness is more than just food and nutrition. This is why our programmes focuses across 12 dimensions, some of them are mind & thought patterns, sleep, and stress levels, movement & relaxation, a better understanding of the gut and cell functioning and the impact our external environment has on us, be it exposure to heavy metals or non-native EMF .
- Most importantly we are a passionate lot, driven by a genuine purpose of improving the health and wellness for each one of us and our continuously motivated by challenges.
Are there any additional costs involved in the program?
Each of our program packages mentions a list of what is included in the package and what is not. For example, as part of the 3-6-9 month diabetes group program and the treatment plan designed, there could be additional costs over above the program cost with respect to natural supplements, specialized in-depth diagnostic tests and any other costs related to any lifestyle changes that you may choose to take up on i.e. related to water, lighting, radiation protection etc. However, inclusive of the additional costs, our total program cost will be less than ~1.5% of the total cost that you would have to spend living with diabetes and its complications for life.
What if I don’t like the program and want my money back?
- With a track record of a happy tribe that is only increasing, we don’t think that day will ever come, and with the same confidence, we provide you a 30 days refund policy with a nominal fee.
Who can I contact for feedback or concerns?
- You can get in touch with us by completing our contact us or feedback form on the website. Alternatively you can write to us at [email protected]. Please note it may take up to 2 working days to receive a response, since we are still a close knit team working on delivering world-class diabetes and chronic disease care.
Data & privacy, how Wellfinity protects your data?
- To ensure confidentiality, we separate users' personal information from their health information and use multiple layers of encryption.
- never provides any of your personal or health information to any third party of any sorts.
- Our guidelines and policies protect the personal information of children as well as incapacitated or deceased individuals.
- We do not provide information to law enforcement unless we are required to comply with a valid subpoena or a court-ordered request.
- Please read more about how we keep your data secure in our Privacy policy section
What is Diabetes?
- Diabetes is understood as a problem caused by unregulated insulin level in the blood which results in elevated blood sugar levels.
- Type 1 - Insulin dependent diabetes.
- People with this type of diabetes make little or no insulin in their body, because the body’s immune system, which normally protects you from infection by getting rid of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances, has attacked and destroyed the cells that make insulin. Type 1 diabetics need regular insulin injections for the management of diabetes. It usually starts in childhood, but can occur at any age.
- Type 2 Diabetes
- At the most basic level, diabetes is used to describe a group of diseases that result in high blood sugar. Type 2 diabetes, represents about 95% of what is generically called “diabetes.” Early in its course, type 2 diabetes is characterized by the combination of very high insulin levels and high blood sugar. In a person without diabetes, such high insulin levels would rapidly reduce blood sugar to normal, but in type 2 diabetes the body becomes resistant to the action of insulin (also known as ‘insulin resistance’), making blood glucose levels hard to control with insulin and other standard medications.
- Prediabetes is used to describe an earlier stage of insulin resistance where blood sugar that is elevated above normal, but not high enough to be called type 2 diabetes.
What is Insulin and why is it important?
- Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, that is needed for the body to move glucose from the blood into the body's cells. All of the organs in the body, including the brain, the heart, and the lungs, are made of cells. These cells use glucose for energy, which is why it is important for the glucose to move from the bloodstream into the cells.
What is Insulin Resistance and is this the real problem creator in Diabetes?
- Carbohydrates in our diet raises blood sugar levels. When the body digests or breaks down the carbohydrates into glucose, these Glucose spikes leads to very high level of production of insulin in an attempt to transfer this sugar from the blood into cells (like muscles, liver etc.). If this continues for a long time, the cells start becoming resistant to the effect of insulin. As a result, to manage the same level of blood sugar, the pancreas now have to produce a higher amount of insulin. This is insulin resistance.
- There are many root causes (inflammation, infections, stress, toxic exposure, lack of sleep, dehydrated water, etc) as to why your body develops insulin resistance, but the bottom line is that adding more insulin does not fix the underlying problem. While your insulin will still rise in response to eating carbohydrates, since your cells are not responding to its signal, your blood sugar cannot be moved into cells effectively. This leaves you with both high blood sugar and high insulin. This process starts many years before a person is ever diagnosed with diabetes or even pre-diabetes.
What are the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes?
- Surprisingly 20% of all diabetes cases in India go undetected for a considerable long period of time. Recognizing the early signs of Type 2 Diabetes can allow YOU to get a diagnosis and treatment sooner and avoid the complications that come with diabetes.
- To find out if you are diabetic, it is advisable to get a blood test done. And if at least one the following blood tests show the below reading, it is a strong indicator that you are diabetic.
- Fasting blood sugar of 126 mg/dL or higher
- HbA1c of 6.5% or higher
Some of the other symptoms and signs to watch out for are:
- Difficulty focusing
- Fatigue
- Poor sleep
- Blurred vision
- Increased thirst and dry mouth
- Slow healing sores or frequent infections
- Increased hunger / weight gain
- Neuropathy (numbness, tingling in feet and hands)
- Increased urination
- Frequent vaginal or urinary infections
- Erectile dysfunction
Is Type-2 Diabetes reversible?
YES and it's very much sustainable. As mentioned earlier, the real problem is more Insulin resistance and its many root causes. So any treatment for Type 2 Diabetes should not only look to lower blood glucose but more importantly address insulin resistance along with biomarkers of inflammation would be recommended for sustainable results. At Wellfinity, our reversal program is holistic, wherein we look beyond a particular disease as the body and its functioning in its whole. We follow an inter-disciplinary approach to controlling & managing (Type 1 & Type 1.5) and reversing (Type 2 & prediabetes) through a nonsurgical, non-prescription-drug intervention program.
What are the signs and symptoms of prediabetes?
- Prediabetes is considered to be the golden period when one can easily reverse the onset of diabetes and associated complications because of metabolic disorders. However, this period is mostly overlooked because the focus of our diagnostics has mostly been wrong. We are measuring blood glucose and often misinterpret the cholesterol profile by simply looking at the numbers, most of the time.
- For pre-diabetes there are clear signs and symptoms to watch out for. However, one of the most important measure is to do a diagnostic blood tests checking for the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels. A HbA1c count of 5.7–6.4% is a clear indicator that one is pre-diabetic.
- Some of the other symptoms and signs to watch out for are:
- Feeling tired and hungry all the time
- Poor sleep
- Difficulty focusing
- Neuropathy (numbness, tingling in feet and hands)
- Darkening of skin around the neck and underarms
- Developing many small skin tags
- Weight gain
- Frequent skin infections - fungal and bacterial.
- Slow healing of wounds
What should one look for while selecting a Diabetes treatment program?
- An important aspect to consider when evaluating your treatment options is the frequency of side effects caused by any particular method of lowering blood glucose, with special attention to severe low glucose levels (hypoglycemia).
- What degree of cost, risk, and side effects are you willing to take on?
- Is this sustainable and can you stick with this treatment long-term?
- An important aspect to consider when evaluating your treatment options is the frequency of side effects caused by any particular method of lowering blood glucose, with special attention to severe low glucose levels (hypoglycemia).
What is health optimisation?
- Through our health optimisation program, we offer 2 distinct programs.
- The first being Chronic Illness to wellness, wherein we use our expertise to treat every and any chronic diseases such as the below.
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Brain related - Dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's
- Detoxification and Healing
- Digestive Disorders - IBD, IBS, Crohn's, GERD/Reflux
- Elevated Cholesterol
- Environmental and Food Allergies
- Female Disorders (PMS, Menopause, Infertility, PCOS, Obesity)
- Hormone Balance
- Hypertension and High BP
- Joint matters - Osteoporosis, Arthritis - Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis
- Mercury and Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin Resistance
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Obesity
- Skin Issues - Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
- Thyroid and Adrenal Disorders
- The 2nd program is ‘Quality of Life’. Under this program we help you better and further improve your current health and wellness. The goal being not only to not fall ill, but also to maintain a healthy, energetic and vibrant body and mind. We ensure that you become aware, informed and self-empowered to control your own health and wellness and recognize illnesses before they manifest.
Whom is this program relevant for?
- The chronic illness to wellness program is designed for those who are currently diagnosed with the outlined chronic disease or are at the risk of contracting one.
- The 2nd program is for anyone and everyone. Whether you are a working professional, a homemaker, or an amateur fitness enthusiast who wants to lead a medicine and chronic disease-free life, these programs are for you. They are for any and every one who may not be ill or diseased but would like to improve their current health and wellness parameters or achieve a higher performance. This is more of a precautionary healthcare program.
What all is covered under this program?
- Dedicated health & wellness clinical coach - Hand-held guidance and support from a dedicated clinical coach who is just a message away
- Continuous guidance and supervision - Services of a wider team of clinical experts across varied disciplines and medicine
- Remote access - Expert care delivered from anywhere and at anytime
- Ultra-personalised programs - Individualized plan and 1-0-1 sessions that puts you on a sustained path of health and wellness
- Structured educational resources - Your continuous guide and tools for better understanding on the 12 dimensions (hyperlink) through live and recorded sessions, articles, videos, podcasts, etc
- Personalized Diet & Nutrition - Regular food guidance and recipes
- Medicine reduction - Carefully guided over time and according to your individual progress
- Home based tests - A recommendation of diagnostics (from the comfort of your home) to get to the root-cause of your current health and imbalances.
- Precision supplements - A guide which is needed in the initial periods of the program. The actual supplements will have to be purchased over and above the plan pricing.
- Flexibility - A flexible schedule that allows you to undertake the program at your own pace
What can I expect from this program?
No Side-effects, only experience Side-Benefits with our approach. At, we focus on the body as a whole rather than a single organ, cell or tissue. More importantly we look to restore the body’s balance for its optimum functioning. Through this approach, we have seen many people who've completed the programme come away with other equally important changes. Along with the chronic disease you came to us for you will experience other life-changing benefits.
What are chronic (lifestyle) diseases and why is it such a big deal?
At Least 75% of our entire population (world over) is suffering from the Chronic disorders of the Modern era. It is estimated that 50-60% of all deaths in our country is now because of chronic diseases. The common denominator being a poor external and internal environment that leads to imbalances in the body and mind. Chronic disease, also referred to as a lifestyle disease is primarily born out of unhealthy food, poor lifestyle choices and an unfavourable external and thereby internal environment. A significant part of this burden from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, gut & skin issues to mental health conditions, require an early detection as well as simple lifestyle changes or going back to the roots. Chronic disorders don’t necessarily require to be managed with lifelong drugs, which negatively impacts the progression of the disease. Hence a paradigm shift is needed from sickcare towards Healthcare; from control to cure; from Illness to wellness to stop this from becoming an epidemic of our generation.
What is the hypertension or High BP and what are some of the its symptoms?
- We need to understand and assess what is causing the imbalance(s), where it is located in the body and at what level of intensity it is. Only when we have a clear understanding of the true root cause(s) of the disease, will we be better equipped to reverse it for life. We study a host of biomarkers across metabolic performance, microbiome and gut environment, heavy metals exposure, nutrition profile, vitamin & mineral deficiency, inflammatory markers, identify infections, look for dehydration, etc. to connect the dots for your current health condition.
What does it mean if my measurement is “off range”?
- “Off range” means that your biomarker levels are higher or lower than the prescribed normal range. The normal ranges are nutrient-specific, and established based on published research and institutional knowledge available for each nutrient. Being “off range” simply indicates that your measurement falls outside of the normal range.
How do I know my results are accurate?
- Our analysis is run by our certified lab partners using state-of-the-art methodologies undergoing continuous rigorous quality audits. All of our lab partners and methods have been validated using the highest standards in accordance with NABL guidelines, CAP accreditation and ISO certification.
When will my report be ready?
Normally, it takes around 8-14 business days for our partners to receive, analyze, and process your sample. In case you don’t hear from us within this period please do reach out to us [email protected]. At times there are unexpected delays due to shipping delays or damages etc which can further prolong your reports. Kindly bear with us in those instances and we will do our best to reach out to you and keep you updated in such cases.
Does your diagnostic services cover all over India?
- Through our partner networks, we currently cover xx pin codes across the country. While we do try and ensure your location is covered, however, in case we don’t service your area please do get in touch with us at [email protected] and we will find the nearest location where you can avail of our services.
What is your refund policy?
For programs where the diagnostics is included in the plan, unfortunately there is no refund policy since understanding your biomarkers are a very important aspect of the entire program. You can, however, reschedule your appointment by contacting our Customer Care Team at [email protected]. For all other diagnostics, we would be able to cancel and refund or reschedule, a minimum of 18 hours prior to the assigned day and time. Kindly do get in touch with our Customer Care Team at [email protected].
Why do I need supplements if I eat well already?
A very valid question indeed. The most important set of questions to ask is 1. Is our food and its current system giving us all the nutrition (both macro and micro-nutrients) that is optimally required by our body on a daily basis? 2. Even if we are getting all the nutrition from our food (which is definitely doubtful), is our body capable enough in its current form to absorb all the nutrients? That's where we use the help of supplements for a relatively short duration of time, to support our existing health efforts. We test and measure on various parameters and nutrient levels to see what is your body’s actual needs before recommending any supplements. goes a long way in making sure our members aren't buying supplements their bodies don't need or for a longer duration than it is optimally required. At, we are attacking the imbalances and deficiency from multiple aspects, leaving no stone unturned to accelerate your optimal health. And one of those aspects is the support from natural based supplements. With all our knowledge and experience we have seen better and faster results with the in our member’s wellness routine. And hence we use it sparingly for a limited time period. Our first priority still remains maintaining a healthy and balanced diet that goes a long way.
Are you personalizing my supplement recommendation, if so how?
Yes. Every supplement recommendation for all of our members are individually tailored for each member based on their bio-markers, symptoms and signs. The results of which allows our clinicians and dietitians to determine if a supplement is right for you and to also assign the dosage based on the findings. This means you can be on your way to feeling healthier and tackling your wellness goals even faster!
How do you ensure the quality of the dietary supplements?
Our goal is always to provide you with the highest quality and most effective supplements. All of our supplements are through our preferred partners. We hand select our partners based on FDA's Good Manufacturing Practices and each product that we recommend follows a strict protocol and approval process to ensure the highest level of safety, efficacy, purity and potency. Our nutrition scientist team looks for maximum absorption and purity, so that you can achieve optimal results with fewer overall pills.
Are your supplements natural or synthetic?
- All our supplements are in its most natural form that are carefully selected to ensure they have high bioavailability and the lowest incidence of any possible side effects. All of our supplements are free from GMOs, gluten free, with no soy or any artificial coloring.
Can I still use my existing supplements that I am already taking while using
- After we have taken your test, we will recommend a comprehensive list of supplements including revisiting your existing supplements. Our goal is to look at the entire body in its totality before we suggest any supplements.
Are supplements suitable for pregnancy?
- As with any dietary supplement, we recommend that you consult your healthcare practitioner before using or continuing to use any product if you are pregnant, nursing, trying to conceive, taking medication, or have a medical condition. We can always remove supplements from your plan based on your doctor's advice.
Are there any side effects to taking the supplements?
Each of our bodies respond to supplements or an external body (which is true in the case of foods as well) in different ways. In some cases, we have observed some minor stomach upsets in the initial period which then settles down. This is the body’s signal that it is getting rid of the imbalances which cause some disturbances in some of us during the first few days. Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any discomfort for a prolonged period or if the discomfort becomes more than a niggle.
Can I take my supplements without food if I don’t have breakfast or lunch or dinner?
While supplements can be taken without having eaten your food. However, for maximum efficacy and in order to avoid any side effects, we always recommend taking them either before or after a meal. For each supplement, we will guide you on when they need to be taken.
It’s hard for me to swallow pills; any tips?
- A handful of users find it difficult to swallow large pills. So we’ve collected some tips that may be useful.
- Drink some water before taking your pills in order to moisturize your throat.
- Take your pills with a little water. Too much water may make it difficult to take it all down.
- Try tilting your head downwards while you swallow. This works best with capsule style pills.
- If you still struggle with swallowing your pill, do contact us and we can offer some additional tips.
Is it OK to take medication while using
- As with all supplements, please consult your healthcare provider when starting any new supplements, especially if you’re currently prescribed any medications.
How do I enroll for the program?
-'s enrollment process is as below:
- Select from any one of the programs listed here
- Register and pay online here or
- Get onto a discovery call here with us and thereafter register and pay online. If you still have questions, please do go through our FAQ session or drop us a note.
- Get on-boarded and start your journey.
- For a detailed journey please refer here
How does the treatment work?
Our proprietary programs are based on years of research, cutting edge science and practical experiences put together by an inter-disciplinary team of experts.
Our core philosophy (hyperlink) is based on the below premise:
At we adopt a patient centric approach rather than a symptom or disease centric approach that adheres to generalised guidelines and protocols. We stick to what is best for you and design the treatment protocols so that it is personalised and contextualised. We focus on the individual and optimise wellness by diagnosing the root causes of a disease(s), thereby personalising the treatments.Our reversal methodology (hyperlink) explained in simple terms
What can I expect from the programme?
You will experience our holistic approach towards achieving diabetes reversal in a peaceful and nurturing environment guided by our expert team of doctors, functional medicine experts, therapists, nutritionists, yoga teachers and mental wellness experts. You will learn and apply realistic, practical ways, simple habits and lifestyle changes. With adherence, you will walk out free from diabetes towards a life full of health and wellness. We are more than disease reversal specialists. Since our focus is holistic and identifying the root causes of any imbalance, it goes beyond a particular disease. The fallout of which is that not only will you reverse the disease you came to us for, but you will also experience and visibly see Side effects Benefits.
What results can I expect, what happens if it is not met with in my case?
No Side-effects, only experience Side-Benefits with our approach. At, we focus on the body as a whole rather than a single organ, cell or tissue. More importantly we look to restore the body’s balance for its optimum functioning. Through this approach, we have seen many people who've completed the programme come away with other equally important changes. Along with diabetes or the chronic disease you came to us for you will experience other life-changing benefits. If our program and its protocols are adhered to in all sincerity, definitely there will be improvements both in the biomarkers and through the complaints via symptoms and signs that you came to us for. Its just a matter of time when the results start to appear and when they become sustainable. We will ensure that we support you continuously until these results are achieved.
If the program and reversal sounds so simple then why can’t I do it on my own?
The key to a successful reversal is first and foremost identify the root causes that are causing imbalance in your body, thereby leading to your current condition. This requires not only an expert but someone who can connect the dots with regards to the biomarkers, symptoms and signs. The next step is to design a personalised plan based on the root causes and one that works. Figuring out how to optimize your health is difficult - and you can't become an expert overnight! Having a medical team there to answer your questions, provide expert feedback on your data and progress, and make personalized recommendations will ensure that you achieve the maximum benefit. The most important aspect of any reversal plan is that it should be sustainable for life. To make a genuine and long-lasting lifestyle change, it helps tremendously to have a medical provider, coach, and community of patients supporting you along each step of your journey. More importantly, the program needs to ensure that if you are on any sort of medications due to your current condition, you cannot simply ignore these medications and hop onto your new plan. You need an expert to carefully guide you over time and according to your individual progress reduce your dependency on the medications. Lastly, let's admit it, that lifelong lifestyle changes are not easy to adopt. Hence it always help to have a group to support, cheer, guide, coach you along your journey, a group who has your best interests and wants to see you over the line successfully. We all need that support to make it a bit more easier for us.
Still have a questions?
[email protected]
Best way to get your answer faster
+91 81474 51122
We are always happy to help.