Every living cell is attracted to an environment that has positive vibrations and can help it reach its full potential. Our cells have a natural aversion to negative vibrations or toxins in the environment, and will do whatever it takes to get rid of them. This is a universal phenomenon, not just for individuals but for each and every cell.
But where is the brain for each cell?
The environment a cell is exposed to can have just as much of an effect on gene expression as the genes themselves. Receptors in the cell membrane help the cell to perceive changes in its environment and, as a result, the cell membrane can be thought of as the brain of the cell. By understanding how the environment affects gene expression, we can begin to understand how different diseases develop and how to potentially prevent them.
Our subconscious mind is responsible for the basic instincts that allow us to survive. However, we as humans have the unique ability to change our purpose through consciousness. This allows us to not just survive, but to thrive and evolve in all aspects of humanity.
There is no denying that health is a natural state. However, there are many factors that can lead to poor health, including lifestyle choices, and environmental factors both internal and external. While we may not be able to control all of these factors, we can control how we take care of ourselves.
Up until now, most of the non-communicable diseases (chronic or lifestyle diseases) were treated with drugs that only helped to control and relieve symptoms rather than cure the illness from its root. However, with recent advancements in medical science, there are now more treatments available that can help people to manage their health more holistically and potentially cure the underlying cause of their illness.
According to recent studies, the average adult is now mostly in a state of pre-diabetes or pre-chronic ailment. This is due in part to the fact that we are struggling with more infectious diseases than ever before. Poor diet and lifestyle choices compromise our immunity.
Even though medical technology has progressed significantly, we have not seen a substantial improvement in our overall health. This is because we focus on sickness care rather than true health care. We urgently need a paradigm shift towards wellness to improve our situation.
Most non-communicable diseases can be prevented with the right awareness, knowledge and tools, thereby making the correct lifestyle choices across the varied set of parameters and dimensions. However, we live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with all sorts of information, and it can be difficult to decipher which information we can trust to find an unbiased information.
Studies frequently;
1) Focus on specific areas of the body about particular pharmacological and physiological aspects and,
2) They don’t consider the big picture.
The former limitation is because studies are based on the “Fishnet hypothesis”. This can lead to conclusions that are based on limited perspective, without considering the larger picture.
The wellness paradigm is working to shift the current perspective on health from one that focuses on treatment to one that is proactive and emphasizes prevention. This will provide us with basic health and wellness knowledge so that we can make healthier choices, leading to a decreased demand for intervention from the healthcare professionals.
We believe that each individual has the power to create a healthier society through their own choices, large or small. Creating a healthier society starts with taking responsibility of our own health and wellness. Together, we can create a domino effect of healthy living that will positively impact generations to come.
And so, Wellfinity.in was born!
The idea was simple: to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for everyone.
Wellfinity has its roots in both modern medicine and ancient wisdom. After years of scientific research and clinical practice, we have developed a unique form of medicine that is based on real evidence. At Wellfinity, we practice evidence-based medicine with a holistic approach, meaning that we focus on more than just the specific parameters of disease because we believe that many factors contribute to a disease, not just one. We take a unique approach to treating disease by connecting the dots to find the root cause so that we can provide more targeted and effective treatment options.
The core principle of Wellfinity is “your health & wellness in your own hands” thereby leading from “illness to wellness”.
Living a healthy lifestyle is something that we all need to do in order to enjoy our lives to the fullest and that’s where public and community care comes in. In order to prevent chronic illnesses in the first place, it is necessary to identify and address their underlying causes. By focusing on preventive health care, we can help people avoid falling sick in the first place. This not only optimizes health overall but can also save individuals and society in the long run.
As members of the healthcare industry, we feel it is our responsibility to provide quality care that can make a real difference in people’s lives. This sound approach is something we are committed to and is part of our mission to provide the best possible care for our patients.
The impact will be profound, in that it will reduce, if not eliminate, the occurrence of chronic diseases and thereby the cost of the sickness care at a community level. Majority of the resources currently guided towards chronic disease care will become streamlined, resulting in true health and happiness for the patient and his family, in addition to achieving and maintaining Wellness state. And in sincere hope that it becomes much easier for the wider healthcare industry to complement their interventions.
Dr. R R Thangadurai, Co-founder and Clinical Co-Head, Wellfinity.in