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Health & Wellness

To understand the significance of wellness, it’s important
to understand how it’s linked to health

    Guide to Living a Healthy and Disease-Free LifeLiving-healthy-diseasefree-life

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of overall well-being, be it physical, mental or social, and not just the absence of a disease or infirmity.

    Are you ready to take control of your health and live a vibrant, energetic life? In this post you will be equipped with the right knowledge and tools you need to make positive, sustainable changes in your life.

    First things first!

    We have made our lives complicated which as a result offered us chronic diseases. Ultraprocessed foods and a nutrition deficient diet, toxins, stress, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, allergens, dehydration are all the culprits that disturbs the balance in the network of our biological systems.

    We are naturally designed to live a disease-free healthy life and for that we have to support the body and mind with the right environment, both externally and internally.

    In today’s time, healthy living is important because there’s a rise of chronic and lifestyle disorders and medicine is not the right solution for them. Therefore, prioritising a well-rounded lifestyle is the only sustainable solution.

    Our bodies should be able to adjust with the conditions such as environment, habits and lifestyle that are meant for survival. To help our body sustain the self-regulating process, one has to adopt a holistic approach. This includes the following-

    • Consuming nutrient dense food, what and when to be eaten and what to be avoided
    • Better managing stress
    • Counting on movement (natural and structured forms)
    • Getting natural light, grounding, being close to nature
    • Staying away from toxins and heavy metals
    • Limiting the use of blue light and radiating emitting devices
    • Getting quality sleep
    • Taking care of gut health

    This well-rounded approach will aid in maintaining good health and preventing disease, which is the core philosophy at Wellfinity. Always remember, health and wellness work in tandem.

    In nutshell, we need nourishment for our body, mind and soul. Let’s move on to understand how you can achieve a good health.

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    Nutrition – The root of healthy living

    We usually hear everyone saying, eat good food. But have you ever wondered why is it important to eat healthy? Well, the key pillar in maintaining a good health is consuming a balanced diet, which completely relies on making healthy food choices.

    A balanced diet consists of variety of foods such as fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits, protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats along with the micronutrients. You attain the benefits of eating healthy food such as increased energy, improved mood, and optimized health when you consume range of vitamins and minerals.

    Also, a balanced diet can help prevent infections and chronic diseases. It also contributes to healthy skin and hair.

    Apart from these, it helps lose weight and supports your weight loss journey. So, count on healthy meal planning to achieve benefits of healthy eating.

    Here’s how you can make healthy food choices.

    Protein: It boosts metabolism and help in hormone balance. You can get protein from A2 paneer, lentils, pulses, nuts, sprouts, seeds, poultry, meat and tempeh.

    Carbs: It is a primary source of energy along with fats. Complex carbs are also needed to support gut health and regulate blood sugar level. Count on traditional grains such as millets and whole grains along with a rainbow of vegetables to get carbs. Make sure you consume unprocessed or minimally processed carbs as it helps with better metabolism.

    Fats: Somehow the perception that fats are bad for us, needs to be changed. Healthy (saturated) fats promote immune system and ensure effective absorption of calcium. You can get saturated fats from omega 3s, animal sourced foods, coconut, avocado, a2 ghee, butter made from A2 ghee, coconut oil, flaxseed, nuts and seeds.

    Limit processed foods (packaged foods), sugars in all forms (especially artificial sweeteners), avoid dairy, gluten, and vegetable oils and white polished rice and lentils. Consume traditional varieties of rice in unpolished form, such as brown rice, red rice or ancient grains and millets. Make it a priority to increase the number of vegetables in your diet.

    You reap the benefits of eating healthy when you incorporate healthy meal planning. The right order to have your meals is to consume vegetables first and then eat protein and fats. Make sure to make carbs (that have fiber) and starch as the last part of the meal.

    To ace your meal planning, here are quick tips of what to eat in your meals.

    Breakfast: Eat protein and fat rich diet, and avoid carbs.

    Lunch: It should be mixed of complex carbs, protein and fat.

    Dinner: Make it light. Consume mix of fat and protein, and a small portion of complex carbs.

    A well-rounded nutritious food should contain high-quality macronutrients, such as complex carbohydrates, fats and protein along with the right portion of micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

    Movement; Exercise and Physical Activity – To keep yourself active

    Another vital foundation in living a healthy and disease-free life is doing exercises.  Movement and exercise strengthen our memory and makes us sharper, happier, and more resilient. We stay physically fit, when our body and mind work optimally.

    There are several benefits of regular exercise which are as follows- it helps improve mental health, promotes good sleep pattern, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves the functioning of immune system.

    Also, engaging in physical exercises boost your energy levels, and helps maintain a healthy weight.

    There are different types of exercises, and they fall in two categories, aerobic exercise and strength training.

    Aerobic exercise

    Swimming, running, jogging, cycling, and running are aerobic exercises. Doing any of these can offer you a myriad of benefits. Also, these exercises are known to improve stamina and support heart health.

    Strength training

    This type of exercise focuses on building muscles and endurance. Bodyweight exercises such as squats, push-ups, and workouts that involves the use of resistance bands and lifting weights come into this category.

    According to a study published in the British Journal of Medicine, doing just 30 to 60 minutes of strength training exercises per week can reduce your risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

    By now you already know regular physical activity can help prevent disease. So why not count on them to improve the overall health and wellness. It is always best to do incorporate both into your fitness routine.

    Tips for incorporating exercise into daily life

    Here is a rundown of some proven tips you can incorporate in your daily life. These tips will also help you stay motivated and attain benefits of daily exercise.

    If you are an early bird then set a time slot in morning for regular exercise. If morning hour do not suit you then you can count on evening for doing exercises.

    Choose a gym that is close to your home or office to make it easier for you to go there regularly.

    If you plan to do home workouts then make sure not to do same exercises every day. Mix it up to keep exercise interesting and avoid boredom.

    You can also ask a friend to be your exercise buddy. This will make your exercise routine more fun and keep you motivated.

    Set goals and rewards yourself for achieving them.

    If you’re new to strength training exercises, then make sure you do not push yourself hard. Start small and gradually increase intensity and duration as you become more comfortable.

    Sleep – Quality and quantity matters

    Sleep is another essential part of wellbeing. But why sleep is important? Sleep plays a vital role in the regenerative processes of every tissue in the human body.

    Well, without getting enough quality sleep regularly, your body becomes inflamed and you may experience short-term effects such as impaired memory, poor concentration, and changes in your mood.

    In the long-term, poor-quality slumber can lead to health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity, and a lower sex drive.

    Lack of sleep has a profound impact on your brain. If you don’t get enough quality sleep, your cognitive function is reduced and your ability to learn is impaired.

    A chronic lack of sleep worsens brain function and increases your risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

    Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize sleep by establishing a consistent sleep routine. For that, you must follow below mentioned tips.

    Tips to improve sleep quality and quantity

    Listed below are some tips on how to improve sleep quality. In order to experience the full benefits of sleep, it’s important to evaluate your sleep habits and your lifestyle.

    Set a regular schedule

    Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This can regulate your body clock. Develop a routine and stick to it most times.

    Get some sunlight

    Spending just 30-40 minutes outside in the morning can help adjust your sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of your sleep.


    Meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, which often interfere with sleep. Try meditating for a few minutes each day, or before bed.

    Avoid screens

    The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disturb your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, making it harder to fall asleep. So, try to avoid screens for at least an hour before bed to get a peaceful sleep. Also, turn off the electronic devices and keep them out of your bedroom.

    Avoid caffeine and alcohol

    Caffeine is a stimulant that can interfere with sleep, especially when consumed in the evening. Similarly, while alcohol can make you feel sleepy at first, it can disrupt sleep later in the night.

    It’s best to avoid both substances before bed. A good rule  is to drink enough water while drinking or late evenings. It will help reduce dehydration and flush out toxic metabolites.

    Moreover, it will protect against the negative affect of alcohol on your sleep cycle.

    Create a best sleep environment

    Make sure your bedroom is quiet, cool, and dark. This will promote relaxation and offer you a restful sleep. Another best sleeping conditions are as follows- use comfortable pillows and bedding, and remove any distractions that could interfere with your sleep, such as work materials.

    Make sure to have a soothing bedtime routine where you create and follow your own pattern every day. It would also be great if you follow your body’s natural cycle as it will help you sleep better.

    Exercise regularly

    Regular exercise will stabilize your mood and decompress your mind so that you can help improve sleep quality and reduce symptoms of insomnia.

    Just make sure to finish your workout at least a 2-3 hours before bed. This is because exercise can be stimulating and make it harder to fall asleep.

    Exercise improves the biochemical functions of your cells and will boost your sleep metabolism in performing its regenerative functions.

    So, now you are well-aware of importance of sleep and tips on how to improve sleep quality. Follow these above-mentioned points to achieve a good night and quality sleep.

    Stress Management – Kick out all your worries

    Stress is endemic in our lives. We need to acknowledge and work on it rather than avoid it. Chronic stress means chronic negative state of mind which keeps the body in chronic fight or flight mode. This keeps the cortisol hormone on high alert which results in ample chronic illnesses. The negative effects of chronic stress on the body are plenty, which are as follows.

    Mental health: Stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Moreover, stress causes cravings as well as unhealthy coping patterns like drinking alcohol, consuming refine sugars, caffeine, drugs and nicotine.

    Cardiovascular health: It can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

    Immune health: There are high chances that chronic stress can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness and disease.

    Digestive health: It can lead to digestive problems such as IBS, stomach ulcers, and acid reflux.

    Reproductive and metabolic health: It can result in fertility issues, menstrual problems, erectile dysfunction, diabetes, PCOS, hormonal issues, etc.

    These effects of chronic stress are alarming. That is why it is important to recognize the signs and take steps to manage it in order to prevent them.

    So, you must incorporate below mentioned tips for stress management into your life. These tips will help prevent the negative impacts of chronic stress on your overall well-being and quality of life.

    Tips for managing stress

    Let’s dive into some powerful tips for managing stress that are easy to follow.

    Mindfulness meditation: This technique involves focusing on and accepting the present moment without judgment. This helps reduce stress, anxiety and promote good mental health. To practice mindfulness meditation, firstly you have to find a quiet place to sit or lie down, and then you have to focus on your breath. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath.

    Deep breathing exercises: Taking slow, deep breaths can calm your body and eventually reduce stress. For deep breathing, inhale slowly through your nose, hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth.

    Exercise: Regular exercise can be a great option in managing stress and improving your mood. This can include physical activities like walking, jogging, running, yoga, or swimming. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise per day to experience the benefits.

    Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can increase stress levels. So, make sure you are getting enough rest and quality sleep. The trick is- establish a consistent bedtime routine and turn off electronic devices before going to bed.

    Get a hobby or revisit an activity that brought happiness in your earlier years: Ponder on what you enjoy doing for yourself and bring it back in your everyday life. It could be playing a sport you like , a long forgotten hobby or a newly learnt one, like painting, colouring, mandala, stitching, reading, etc.

    Mental Health – Get solace and serenity

    When it comes to wellness, we often focus on physical health only. In general, people are unaware of the importance of mental health. Your mental wellbeing is equally important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    If our mental health is up to the mark, we think and feel positive. Similarly, poor mental health results in negative consequences such as anxiety and mood disorders.

    Sometimes poor mental health even leads to physical illness. It is vital to remember that body follows the mind and mind follows the body. Meaning, there is an intimate relationship between physical and mental health.

    Our thoughts and emotions influence our behaviour and can affect our physical well-being. And our physical health can have an impact on our mental state. It is like boomerang.

    So, prioritizing mental health becomes important for achieving overall wellness.

    Tips on how to maintain good mental health

    Here are some helpful tips you can count on for achieving maintaining good mental health.


    Therapy for mental health is one of the best ways in which you talk about your thoughts to a professional in a confidential environment. When you let your feelings out and share the issues that are bothering you, you feel better. Also, by discussing with a professional, you gain new insights and you get confidence as well as strategies for handing daunting situations.


    Another helpful practice is journaling. Scribbling down your thoughts can significantly drain your heavy heart. By journaling, you tend to process your feelings and eventually gain new perspective.

    It provides you opportunity for self-talk, help you prioritize fears and concerns, and recognize triggers that affect your mental health.

    Social support

    Your family, friends or support group can be your backbone when it comes to sharing problems. Those who know you well can provide you emotional support and will try their best in relieving your stress and worries.

    These people will make you feel heard, connected and valued. In fact, they can even provide practical assistance such as running errands or helping out with chores when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

    Always remember the importance of mental health. Taking care of it is as important as taking care of your physical health.

    If you get intrusive thoughts or you notice change in your behaviour then do not shy away from seeking professional help.

    This might include seeing a therapist or psychiatrist, or talking to your doctor about medication options. By taking care of your mental health, you are investing in your overall quality of life.

    The essence of healthy and disease-free life

    For a holistic, well rounded, and sustained health and wellness, there are various parameters that go beyond food and nutrition, and are usually not told but are equally important.

    At Wellfinity, we always ensure that we understand and address all of these various aspects that cause imbalance for each individual. You will also learn how you can manage and help your body with each of these parameters.


    Fasting is a great way to tap into the regenerative potential of our bodies, which is vital for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

    Our body is capable of self-healing as it helps with detoxification, recovery of the metabolic system, repairing of the pathways that are important for our emotional and physical wellbeing.

    By fasting, you can gain access to a deeper reservoir of coping mechanisms at the cellular level, which can help you feel better both physically and emotionally.

    Drinking structured (sun-charged water)

    Sun-charged water adds structure to the otherwise ‘dead water’ from taps and RO. The sun’s energy oxidises the water that helps improve energy and reduce inflammation in your body.

    Mitochondrial augmentation

    Mitochondria is a powerhouse of the cell. They turn the energy, which we take from food into energy that the cell can use.

    It is important to preserve your mitochondrial health by eating right, managing stress, getting quality sleep, doing regular exercise and avoiding toxins.

    This powerful engine is essential for a healthy functioning of body and mind, which if impaired, leads to numerous chronic diseases including cancer.

    Microbiome support

    Almost all diseases start in the gut. It helps in almost all the process in the body, particularly with respect to the metabolism and also the neurotransmitter production that happens essentially in the gut.

    A strong digestive system plays an imperative role in the maintenance of our health and in protecting us from disease.

    Mineral balancing

    Micronutrients like vitamins and minerals along with the antioxidants and polyphenols helps boosts metabolism.

    Whenever we have a micronutrient deficiency or insufficiency which is almost seen in all the ultra-processed foods, our metabolism slows down. Thus, we need to balance these micronutrient deficiencies.

    Non-native EMF

    Non-native electromagnetic fields that comes from mobile phones, electronic gadgets, wi-fi, tv networks, which is anti-mitochondria, kills your mitochondria. Meaning, your cells, tissues, organs and systems cannot function properly when the healthy frequencies at which they operate are disrupted.

    This disruption can happen through the damaging effects of EMFs. EMF emit positive ions that can disrupt your mitochondria (body needs negative ions) and hence the EMF blockers will help minimise the electromagnetic interference and eventually reduce the impact of positive ions.

    EMF exposure has known to influence the nervous system that leads to headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin issues, pain and ache in muscles and other health problems. So, try to minimize its use or use EMF blockers.

    Blue light toxicity

    We all sit under artificial / blue light (anti-mitochondria) all the time and we do not go out in sunlight (pro-mitochondria).

    Exposure to artificial blue light at night can cause hormonal disruptors, leptin resistance and also interfere with sleep.

    Therefore, getting natural sunlight becomes crucial and avoid digital screens 1-2 hours prior to sleep.

    Optimizing organ function

    Our body functions in a coordinated manner. So, in order to ace our health and reverse all these chronic disorders, we need to optimize each and every system.

    Daily habits and good hygiene

    You need to follow your daily healthy routine and make it a habit to help your health. Healthy regime is only possible when you connect to the natural elements inside the body and on the outside.

    You have to be in sync and at harmony with nature. That means, you should incorporate regular sun exposure, grounding, forest bathing, cold thermogenesis, etc., to live healthy.

    We have to follow holistic lifestyle (taking care of mind, body and soul) to maximize our wellbeing. Consider your body as a whole and focus on each aspect to live a healthy and disease-free life. When you live a holistic life, you get a myriad of benefits. Some of them are as follows-

    • Relief from chronic pain
    • You get positive mindset
    • Reduced levels of stress
    • Improved overall health
    • You embrace a healthy routine

    Health and wellness is an imperative aspect which is in our hands, at a personal and society level. A healthy society reflects the well-being of a nation. It not only helps in longevity and a better quality of life but it also aces socio-economic prosperity and impacts the health of a nation to live disease free.

    No doubt we are making great technological and other advancements. But keeping the current chronic disease scenario, there is no point of these advancement when health of the nation and world is not protected.

    As a society, we need to prioritize our health and wellness, not only for ourselves but for the betterment of our communities and future generations. Time is now to take action or regret when we lose the control on our health. Choice is yours.


    The basis is that we have to move away from ultra processed foods (high insulin diet) to minimally processed foods. Consuming a balanced diet offer a variety of nutrients that body needs to function properly.

    Further, as said in above sections, your mind affects your body functions and in the same way, your body affects your mind.

    You have to preserve your mind to protect your health. That is why physical movement is also vital.

    Movements have multiple benefits and the most important thing is it optimizes lymphatic circulation. It helps protect your body from illness-causing invaders.

    Your health is your asset. From mind and body to soul, you have to take care of each aspect. You might have heard that food and exercises are crucial for our life.

    But the crux is, a holistic approach is a must for a sustained holistic health and wellness. When you count on a holistic lifestyle, you directly help yourself in living a healthy and disease-free life. And this is what everybody wants.

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