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Understanding Metabolic Disorders: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Metabolic disorders have traditionally been called ‘Aristocrats disease’ because they mostly affected Kings and Queens. But in the past 50-60 years, they have become commonplace and strike even the poorest of the poor, young and old, unsparingly. But what are metabolic disorders? A metabolic disease or metabolic defect occurs when the body’s metabolic process is […]

What are the root causes of diseases? Everything you need to know!

In today’s world, when chronic diseases are spreading like wildfire, it has become increasingly important to take all necessary precautions and avoid falling victim to any disease or illness. The global healthcare sector as we know it, lays emphasis on end-of-life care, crisis care, and acute treatment, all of which are necessary. However, it has […]


The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck just below Adam’s apple. The thyroid’s job is to make thyroid hormone, which is secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. The thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm, and keep the brain, heart, muscles, […]


We are normally told that Acid reflux/GERD occurs due to high stomach acid. However, the opposite is actually true. Acid reflux is a result of low stomach acid. Gastritis is largely due to poor mucin production inside the stomach & now , H.pylori can become pathobiont. GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, is a condition in […]


Introduction: Avocados are a highly recommended fruit for individuals with diabetes due to their unique nutritional profile. Packed with essential good fats, vitamins, potassium, carbohydrates, and fiber, avocados offer numerous health benefits for diabetics. In this blog, we explore why avocados are good for diabetes, their sugar content, potential considerations, and how they contribute to […]

Is papaya good for diabetes? -

Fruits are a source of nutrition and are a favorite all year long. As a juicy, delicious summer fruit, Mrs. Savita loves adding ripe and unripe papayas to her meals. Her husband and kids crave chilled papaya salads after work; she also makes papaya sabzis and desserts. The sad side of this juicy journey is […]

Biscuit for diabetes, can it be consumed or not? -

Biscuits are a great source of carbohydrates, which are linked to increased blood glucose levels. This means that biscuits can contribute to symptoms of diabetes, such as excessive thirst and urination, reduced insulin sensitivity and increased risk of heart disease. So biscuit for diabetes, shouldn’t be consumed. Even the salt biscuits contain sugar!!! It’s a […]

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Which diabetes plan is suitable for me?

  • Diabetes Reversal Plan
    (Individual) 3 months
  • If you are self-disciplined and need to be shown the path
  • Comprehensive Diabetes Reversal Plan (Group)3 months
  • Need some guidance initially and are participate actively during the 3 months
  • Diabetes Reversal Plan - Beginners (Group) (Recommended)6 months
  • Need a lot more hand handling and guidance